Cara Ord Create


Best practices for working from home

creative businessCara OrdComment

As the world goes into lock down governments have requested their residents to self isolate and stay at home. This has affected a lot of peoples work and may have affected you. If you are lucky you are now working from home, still earning an income and not letting your work stack up while you. are safely locked away from the virus. Working from home is a completely different environment than a lot of people are used to and can cause anxiety and distraction.

I have been working remotely, form home and other places right around the world, for a good 3 years now I have learned things along the way. I would like to share some tips and advice to anyone who finds themselves newly in the work from home boat. This advice is good for anyone from the procrastinators to the over workers. It will help you manage your time and keep you sane. Below is a list of tips to help you in this new way of working.

The beauty of the internet, and collaboration.

designCara OrdComment

Today you can do anything online order food, get a lift, buy anything and everything and you can also communicate with anyone from anywhere in the world. We spend so much of our time on the internet we grow an identity on the platform, we live there. With the thousands of uses for this fantastic tool it surprises me why people don’t utilise more often for work and have scepticism of remote employees when everyone is so accessible.

As a designer I have worked in-house, studio freelance and remote and at first it surprised me how little my work process changed. I became quickly aware that I can do my job at exactly the same standard from anywhere, and that having the freedom to be anywhere actually made my work better and gave me more resources to my disposal to make things happen.