As the world goes into lock down governments have requested their residents to self isolate and stay at home. This has affected a lot of peoples work and may have affected you. If you are lucky you are now working from home, still earning an income and not letting your work stack up while you. are safely locked away from the virus. Working from home is a completely different environment than a lot of people are used to and can cause anxiety and distraction.
I have been working remotely, form home and other places right around the world, for a good 3 years now I have learned things along the way. I would like to share some tips and advice to anyone who finds themselves newly in the work from home boat. This advice is good for anyone from the procrastinators to the over workers. It will help you manage your time and keep you sane. Below is a list of tips to help you in this new way of working.
It has gotten to that time of year when it gets very easy to give up on our passion projects and goals, pushing things back until the new year, because this year is already half gone. My simple advice to you is don’t, don’t give up on doing what you love and creating beautiful things. Stop thinking about the half a year that is gone and think about the abundance of time you have ahead.
The first step to being productive is to stop procrastinating through stress and obsessing over what we haven’t achieve but looking forward to what we can achieve.
It may seem daunting to get back into the swing of things, but with a few tweaks to out inner monologue and a shift in our planning and environment you can rapidly increase your productivity in your life and your creative projects.
Just taking things one step at a time is a great way to start, but let’s run through some steps that you can do to get yourself in a great place to start being productive: